So the Benzema vs Domenech drama continues, in an article from the
Telegramme de Brest, the France manager calls out his young striker: stating that it is inadmissible to not give 100% whether you play 90 minutes or 5 minutes. Based on Domenech's track record, we should not expect to see the Real striker getting more time with Les Bleus. While the France manager has a point, I still cannot side with him, maybe Benzema would not make these statements if Domenech were a better communicator and manager to start with. I do not mean that Domenech needs to coddle his players, but he, and I have stated this before, needs to do a much better job explaining to his team what he expects of them as a group and as individuals. In his mind he might feel he does a good job, but based on the constant reaction from players I would question that.

The current situation with Benzema and what he stated, taken in isolation, makes the Real Madrid striker look like a selfish and sensitive professional football player, taken in context of the clouds that seem to constantly be hovering over Domenech and Les Bleus and one has to continue to wonder how Domenech has remained where he is, clearly it appears he has lost his team...probably since the Euros....yet he continues to have the reigns of the national team. The only person that does not seem to think there to be any problems is Escalettes, and clearly that is all Domenech needs to remain where he is.
Man that pisses me off. Let's just END this and sack Domenech.
I don't hate the guy but he has to go.
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