The question becomes, does France need David? To me the French system under Domenech does not lend itself to Trezegol's style. Since for the most part Les Bleus play with one striker and that is not Trezeguet's strength. He needs a partner up front that can draw attention away from him, allow him to be a "fox in the box." He is the best when there is a striker such as Henry that can run at defenders, take the ball deep and carry the game into the offensive end, allowing Trezegol to position himself for crosses, weak side runs, tap ins, headers, and all the usual goals that come from a "fox." As much as I think Trezeguet deserves a chance to wear the blue kit and retire from the international game the way he wants, I fear that France have moved to a style that will not suit him...unless Domenech leaves as well....
France does need an attacking player who can head the ball. All those wasted crosses...I cringe.
I agree, but I think to make room for that player in the form of Trez, the system will need to change to a 4-4-2...or gasp....a 4-1-3-2, keep one holding midfielder, but no way Domenech moves away from having his security blanket of 2 holding midfielders.
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